Sad to be leaving the lovely people of East Belitung, it is a short day
trip across to the other side of the island for the next rally stop. As
we approach the anchorage, we are being chased down by another storm. We know
now we are really getting into the storm season and it will only get worse for
the next month or so. We don't mind so much being at anchor when they hit - we
don't like being out to sea. Finally anchored with the storm going around us,
it was a pretty spot with huge granite boulders along the shoreline and crops
of them off the beach. The locals have illuminated them with floodlights and in
the evening they are quite a spectacle.
Sunset at West Belitung. Pete and Raymond (Antaros).Not sure which improved - Pete's French improved or Raymond's English, but they had the love of wine in common.
The granite boulders along the shoreline of West Belitung anchorage
Rusty's is the place ashore for the
best meals and the man himself who organises water, fuel, transport and anything
else you may require. It was also the spot for sundowners each evening. Up the
beach were containers of baby turtles where for $5 you could catch one and
release it into the ocean to fend for itself - they were so cute. A bus trip
into town to the local markets for the final supplies before Singapore. The mid
afternoon downpour had the market owners rushing for plastic covers and tarps
only to pull them off 30mins later and back to business. They must get so used
to doing this. Another gala dinner in a huge no-walled building, traditional dancing and people in costumes - not really sure why.
Pete and myself with some of the locals dressed in costume for the gala dinner
Traditional dancers from West Belitung Regency
Due to the storm activity, we have decided to do day hops only for the last
150nms to the end. Day 2 saw us watching the latitude count down to 00*00.00 at
the equator. We had planned to stop and swim across, but the winds and the
current were quite strong so instead as we crossed, we gave Neptune some coins
and a nip of Bourbon and thanked him for safe sailing in the Southern Hemisphere
and asked the same for the top side. Our official equator party would happen that
evening at Kentar Island, .3nm north. It was a great night with 14 of us on the
back of Alleykat with a pot luck dinner. We did it is style with bottle of
Veuve and Moët saved especially for the occasion.
The girls in the water with noodles - Coleen, Pam, Gayle, Self, Jacqui and Cheryl
Cheryl & Phil, Kevin, Terry, Bill & Gayle, Jacqui, Self, Jenny, Pam & John
Jacqui and self about to open a bottle of Moet saved especially
The closest I could capture the latitude to 00*00 as we crossed the equator
Off the next day and headed
to the island of Bintan where we had our last rally stop and cleared out of
Indonesia. Good strong winds pushed us all the way nearly to the top of the
island, anchoring late afternoon near an oil refinery not far short of our intended destination. The next day it
was a short hop into Bintan where we anchored off the Nirwana Resort. First
thing was to get papers in to Sam and start the clearing out procedure with
Customs and Immigration. Then we could sit back and enjoy the pool and the
amenities of the resort. Fresh water becomes such a novelty at time at sea. The
gala dinner was fabulous, held in the grounds of the resort, the lay out
similar to a wedding reception. The food and entertainment was amazing and a
great night was had by all. However, it had to be an early evening as we were
to be away by 5.00am if we wanted to make it across to Malaysia in one day.
Carved watermelon as table decorations at our gala dinner at the Nirwana Resort in Bintan
A local Katar boat - a gitft from West Belintung regency to East Belitung
A snapshot of our AIS screen showing all the boats moving through the channel
light say many of us heading off towards the west, motoring past Nongsa Point
marina and wondering where to cross the Singapore Strait. This is the part I
had been dreading, hearing stories of AIS showing 800 - 900 targets at any one
given time, some anchored but many underway With Tintin not far behind us, we
watched with fascination the lines of ships - bulk cargo carriers, cruise
liners, tankers, tug boats, patrol boats, navy craft, yachts, fishing boats and
more making their way up or down the channels. And we have to cut across them
all!!! We kept heading west until Pete decided it was time and could see a
break in the lines, so we went for it. Slotting in behind one then pushing
Kittani harder than she has ever gone before we powered on, eased off to fall
in behind another liner then full throttle again, till we were finally across
the other side and into Singapore waters. Then hugging the coast line and
dodging tankers at anchor, we headed up the Straits of Johor making good time
and arriving into Danga Bay marina mid afternoon, our home for the next 3

The afternoon thunderstorm brewing - time to put things in the microwave
So that was it and what a day. Safely crossing the Singapore Strait and
the end of Sail Indonesia. About 40 rally yachts are continuing on with us to
do Sail Malaysia, others we may see some time next year as many of them will
stay around this SE Asia corner for a few years. Such is the life of a cruiser.
To sum up the last 3 months, it has been all and more than we expected.
Travelling through a 3rd world country has its issues but being patient and
smiling goes a long way. Some cruisers have found this difficult, expecting
everything to run like clockwork and when it doesn't, they grumble. For
those who kept an open mind, Indonesia has been a remarkable experience and we
will definitely return again. The beauty of these islands has made us want to
see more. The Indonesian people, who often had so little have given us so much
in the way of memories we will never forget. Also the friends
we have made on this trip have made the rally for us. The sundowners on the
back of boats, the times of emergencies when we've needed help,
the yacht lights in the darkness on those night sails - knowing there has
been someone there has been peace of mind for me - the reluctant sailor. To me
that's what joining a rally is all about. Thank you Sail Indonesia and Sam for everything,