Monday 29 April 2013

Meeting up with Tintin

After doing a last minute trip to Woolies for provisions, we left Keppel Bay marina and made our way to Keppel Island. Kittani went well - everything seems to be ok once again.
Amongst quite a few boats moored safely on the northern side of the island was Tintin, so good to see her again. After anchoring next to them, Jacky and Kevin arrived over to give us the run down on the island, time of sundowners and to let us know of a bar-b-q on the beach that evening around a campfire and a feed of Spanish Mackeral donated by another boat. How quickly and easily one fits into 'island life' around  here. So 5.00pm saw about 8 tenders descend on the beach armed with cooly bags and a salad to share. On arrival to the campfire, we were handed a green coconut which Denis had machetied open  and we drank the juice - welcome to Keppel Island. Pop went the champagne cork and we toasted being back together with friends again. Then sun was starting its descent and gave us a magical setting for our first night back on the seas. A delicious meal of fish and salads, with potato and sweet potato cooked in the coals - what a feed.
 Lovely to sit and chat with other sailors, hearing of places they had been and ones we are still to get to. Such an interesting group of people. With 3 guitars playing in the background, it made it a wonderful evening to remember and a zillion stars out on such a clear night. A mass exit of tenders back to their boats around 8.30pm and off to bed.
 The bay lived up to its reputation of being notoriously rolly but the locals say you get used to it after a while. We will see. Looking forward to some fresh coconut meat for breakfast.

                                               This is what it is all about ............

Learning to weave a "gwashoppa!"

Peter fishing for mangrove jack and Kevin fishing for mangroves!!
A perfect setting for a bar..unfortunately...closed!
Most of the infrastructure on the island is still closed from the cyclone earlier in the year.

1 comment:

  1. Yo uguys look GREAT! Relaxed and happy! We can't wait till you get to make that blog post titled "meeting up with Totem"...
